Why do you need a garden plan?
It is important for me to be able to accurately convey my ideas to my clients, and I believe that the most effective visual tool for this purpose is an aesthetic and scale garden plan.
The garden plan serves as an excellent starting point for initial ideas, and detailed and accurate construction offers can be made from detailed documentation. It is useful for both clients and gardeners.
In my plans, you will find all the useful information, from the initial idea to the choice of style to the exact plant specifications and installation instructions.
Scale garden design is one of the most important parts of garden construction, because with the help of this it is possible to calculate the materials accurately.
Why choose online garden design?
It can be requested and arranged from home
up to 8 workdays depending on package and ideas
Reasonable price
You can save on boarding and personal consultation fees
Based on the information provided, we develop unique ideas
Environmentally friendly
No printing costs and environmental impact
With easy-to-understand documentation, you can make the garden of your dreams come true
Choose the offers that suit you best
4 seasons
Flower bed design
Scenery Plan
Garden description
Plant photos
Plant list
Flowering calendar
Maximum 100 sqm
Inspiration base
1 Scenery Plan
Plant list
Mood pictures
Plant pictures / properties
Bloom calendar
Structural elements
Garden description
Two in one
2 Scenery Plan
Plant list
Mood pictures
Plant pictures / properties
Bloom calendar
Structural elements
Garden description
Full Garden
2 concept designs
Garden description
+ change
Planting plan
List of plants
Plant photos
+ change
Bloom calendar
Layout plan
The term of the order starts from the delivery of the information necessary for the preparation and the payment of the labor fee.
Feel free to contact me for individual requests.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I always need a complete garden plan?
No, many people like to beautify their garden themselves, they just need a little guidance on what plants to choose, and where to plant. Online packages are ideal for them.
What is an online package good for?
With the online package, you get an idea of what features can fit into your garden, which plants can surround it, and how they can work each other. You will also receive a guide of plant to enjoy its beauty for a long time.
The biggest advantage is that I can plan for you without a landing fee, regardless of the distance. -
How will a concept plan become my garden?
The basic package already contains the information and parameters (textual and pictorial presentation, scale plan, plant proposal and plant list, installation proposal ...) along which not only gardeners but also hobby gardeners can easily start to build their dream garden.
I'm a gardener, can it be useful for me too?
If you are garden builder, and you don't have any time to make the plan documentation, I can help you as well, just send me an email.
When will I receive the plans?
Once you have accepted the offer sent by e-mail, provided the necessary data for the design (drawings, photos, required functions, your favorite plants, other wishes) and paid the design fee, you will receive the plans within the deadline specified in the offer.
Can I count on you to build the garden?
Yes, I am in contact with gardeners who can accurately build the gardens I have designed. I can also give you an estimate of the magnitude of the cost, but it is their job to calculate the exact cost of the gardening and the construction of the garden.
Kovács Anna
“ A hangtál kezelés után 10 órát aludtam éjszaka, nem tudom mikor volt utoljára ilyen. Sokkal nyugodtabbnak érzem magam, már várom a következő alkalmat és a lányom is szeretne jönni. ”
Kelemen Richárd
“ A lávaköves masszázsnak ellazító és egyben vérkeringés fokozó hatása van. Ideális relaxációhoz, valamint elősegíti a lelki megfiatalodást. ”
Horváth Blanka
“ A rezgések szabad utat engednek az energia áramlásának. A hanghullámok egészen a sejtekig hatolva „átmasszírozzák” az egész testet. ”
Holzbauer István
“ A meditáció megváltoztatta az életemet. Nyugodttá és boldoggá tesz, és ad egy kis békét és csendet ebben a máskülönben eléggé kaotikus életben. ”